
YOU GOING TO THE DAMNED STAIRS WHEN YOU CAN SEE THE OUTSIDE RIGHT THERE. It's no surprise that idiot was captured in the first place. http://bit.ly/hi9r6c

Seriously, what do DKs currently bring to the raid besides damage? No real raid buffs (only passive ones). No ressurections (excepting only the current form of Raise Ally, which is rarely useful). No Crowd-Control.

Heck, even the old raise ally was, in my mind, far more usefull then this. In 10 mans you only get one battle res, but a dk can ghoul rez as often as he wants. Sure it's gimmicky, but after the brez is used that ghoul can be the difference to a 1% wipe and a boss down.

I guess I should be grateful for another battle-rez, especially since my regular ten man group runs with only a shaman for that sort of thing, and that is, of course, a self-only thing. Still, I will miss turning folks into undead monstrosities.

And to everyone complaining about the DK B-Res, I say this: QQ moar n00bs. But no, in all seriousness, come on, why complain about a good thing? I think its kinda cool, think about it:

You're in a group and someone just died, 3 scenarios come of this:

Yeah, it took me a few minutes to come around at first. But then I realized, when I'm healing, my battle rez is a total DWYDA ("Drop what your doing, and"). The solution to the fact that we're already undermanned is something that requires 2 seconds in which I can't cast any heals on any one else? If someone else can do it (especially with an instant cast), awesome.

*Key Player has died*
Raid Leader: "Hey druid, brez Key Player please."
Death Knight: "Looooool IMMA MAKE HIM A GHOUL!"
Key Player: "Why am I a ghoul?"
*Raid wipes*


"I'm a little miffed that one of our major unique raid utility spells is being handed to a class that seems to a class that seems to constantly get shiny toys"

My second main is a shaman, so I have two words for you: Time Warp. But I understand your miffedness.

