
While I do believe that lore is always an important plot point, this is a video game and some gameplay mechanics need to stay in place to an extent. Death Knights need to level up, after all. http://bit.ly/hjvViC

or the Emerald Dream, which I think is more sound lore-wise, at least at this stage. After all, the Emerald Dream is not underwater, it has a very large and very real threat (as opposed to the Naga, who at this point seem more like Kael'Thas' silly Felblood elves, or the Amani Trolls, yes they're dangerous, but not that much of a huge threat on their own). They could even give us lore nerds something to nerdgasm over by throwing in bits and peices of

now lush and green, as a level 90 zone). Plus, I don't remember iot that well, but if it's true that all Eternals on Azeroth go to teh Emerald Dream when they die (Cenarius did), I'd love to meet up with Malorne, Agamaggan (or how ever he spells him name, he's a pig after all), Aviana, and e'eryone else. I wonder how much Cenarius would appreciate Orcs coming into the Dream?

I'm sorry, is everybody missing the rather large army wanting to wipe out all traces of existence in the universe? Sure, don't get me wrong, there's plenty of other plot holes to explore, but I'm almost positive we'll see the burning legion once again (remember, we've only banished kil'jaden, not destroyed him completely, and no-one's even found Sergeras yet, nor even know what condition he's in, especially after players destroy part of his soul inhabiting Aitesh)

Old Gods, Titans, etc....if they start working all of it into the lore stealthily now, it will seem a natural progression.


The increased view distance since patch 3.0 by itself, and the awesome dynamic shadows, are both excellent additions.

Blizzard sometimes gets like this, topics that could have such potential are just turned into trash. ZA for example, trolls have been the High Elves enemies for thousands of years and in the end the only thing wanting Zul'Jin dead was some slack jawed bounty hunter. Now that I think of it, you guys might have even had something about that on here. Anyways, lets hope Blizzard can keep up the GOOD lore (Which by the looks of it, in Wrath they have.) and don't finish the work days early and put out some of the crap they sadly have in the past.

Thank the maker" might seem a little weird, when you remember that he knows (bar memory-wipes) that his maker is in fact Darth Vader.

But no more weird than for an atheist to exclaim "For gods sake!".

It's just an expression.

It's used for emphasizing 3-PO's content, or the atheists frustration. It's not meant to be taken literal.

