
I think 3P0 was referring to "the maker" as the default monotheistic god in the star wars universe (I assume there's religion beyond "the Force"), similar to when we get home from a long trip, sit down on the couch, and catch up on True Blood episodes we missed, saying "Thank God I'm home". Or similarly, "Thank God it's Friday". http://bit.ly/eWhJLJ

I am hoping that maybe Blizzard gives us more Ogres, a playable race perhaps and goblins too making them neutral and you get to pick your side based on quests and things of that nature.

Maybe a few underwatercities that have a breathing-aura while inside, and a "you drown" if outside too long (unless you're naga OFC) and the island of Pandaria

Come on. If anyone is going to get Pandaren, its going to be the Horde. As for the Naga, they could never be a playable faction, not only due to lore, but can you see a Naga on any sort of normal mount? NO LEGS!

I think Pandaren are retarded.

Trolls suck, and we've already had enough to last a lifetime.

Goblins are boring.

Never had a NE, and I don't care where Furion went.


remember reading several months ago (6 -12 months somewhere in there) that blizzard was planning on releasing one new hero class per expansion and that an arch druid was in the works. So from that it was assumed that the Emerald Dream would be the expansion after Wrath, but as that was a long time ago Blizzard may have changed that idea totally I have not heard anymore about it since then.

But there is a certain amount of 'loop holes' for even the best lore nerds when you concider the Death Knights. Their starter area is allready devistated right NOW. Yet we won't be playing them or seeing them til expansion.

Yup the whole disturbance in time in flux what have you can explain so much BS you just kinda gotta start shaking your head and go with the flow.
When the expansion comes out time is finally on proper course and Death Knights will emerge as if they been with us since right before the Start of the Burning Crusades.


The spacegoats prob landed or some could have crash landed in Northrend by accident I mean too many explainations possible when time itself is involved and in trouble.


