
*Key Player has died* Raid Leader: "Hey druid, brez Key Player please." Death Knight: "Looooool IMMA MAKE HIM A GHOUL!" Key Player: "Why am I a ghoul?" *Raid wipes* http://bit.ly/dJUKdZ

"I'm a little miffed that one of our major unique raid utility spells is being handed to a class that seems to a class that seems to constantly get shiny toys"

My second main is a shaman, so I have two words for you: Time Warp. But I understand your miffedness.

I do agree with your point on RP for this. I can see a whole bunch of scenarios where a Priest/Paladin would refuse to be raised by a DK, as to not become an "abomination of the light", or some-such, and demanding a druid/priest/shaman/paladin to raise them.

I have a druid and dk both, and I think it's a great addition. Raise Ally was always a cute gimmick, not a shiny toy. Now it's a useful reason to bring the player, not the class, so to speak, because of additional raid utility. Frankly, I like that they gave it to a non-healing class. It fits the flavor, the lore, and makes it a unique trait.

