
I'm thinking, perhaps he/she was one of the poor bastards who stood in the fire and survived when Deathwing struck at Stormwind (yes, I'm leaning towards Alliance since I think their "destiny" is easier to understand than the "blood & Honor!" stuff of the Horde; eventually, your own views seep into your player character). http://bit.ly/gXJscW

Maybe I'm just thinking way out of the box of rules Blizzard has trapped us in, with a world of brave hero's. Maybe there's no room for PTSD characters in Azeroth. But still ...


I'm curious how a character with such a paralyzing mental disorder would even function outisde a padded room at the Abbey? Does he overcome this disorder enough that he can venture outside and kill wolves and Orcs

For example: *hyperarousal* is also a characteristic of post traumatic stress, and can manifest as a heightened propensity toward aggression, anger, and irritability as well as an autonomic fear response out of relative proportion to the stimulus. In short, your character could easily be a Fury warrior with an extremely short fuse who nonetheless has horrific flashback nightmares that interfere with his ability to sleep and make him temporarily avoidant after he experiences such a flashback. The mhttp://bit.ly/fexLrf ental paralysis is something he experiences in a more transitory way.

Part of deciding to put such things into your RP is doing a bit of research and, of course, as Anne said in the article, not letting the mental illness or condition be the crux of your character.

the orcs DID burn down the winery.

(Sometimes, it's the most trite action that gets you in a killing mood. Just don't show me any dragons.)

If you have a character that is ever going to have a "happily ever after" from their goals, you have to be ready to walk away from that character when you're done. Otherwise your RP will end up stagnant and stale. Like the last few seasons of Gilmore Girls.

