
You are correct. Enlightened Judgements gives you hit rating equal to your spirit, adds 10 yards to its range, and heals you when you cast judgement. As Healadin currently in a mix of normal and heroic 5-man gear (AIL340), this talent puts my paladin at 23% spell hit (and 19% melee hit), so my judgements don't miss, and my melee swings only fail due to dodges. http://bit.ly/g8zJ5G

To make things even more interesting get a trinket with +1700 spirit or something on proc or use (like blood of isiset from HoO) and couple that proc with a resto shammy hitting mana tide totem. Because mana tide directly increases everyone's spirit by 400% you'll end up having some 40-45% hit rating which looks just ridiculous :D

before the advent of holy power. I think the class and spec is really coming into it's own as being more well rounded and fun to play. Thanks for the tip on judging more, I have a great macro I use to judge my focus' target (the tank) works great available on wowwiki.

That's what I was missing. I knew there was some secret of Paladin mana regen that was eluding me. Did not notice that Judgement+Seal of Insight restored mana, so was only judging to maintain the haste buff. Now I know, thanks!

As a holy paladin, do you also want to be in melee (fight mechanics permitting, of course) to get some additional mana regen via melee autoattacks between casts or is the proc rate not worth the risk, meaning you'd always want to stand with the other casters? I used to do this with Seal of Wisdom in Wrath before I hit the gear it took to have "infinite" mana, and it drove one of my friends nuts because healers are "meant to stand back where it's safe." But what else is the plate armor and the 'all your healing heals you' talent for but negating the additional damage you sometimes take in melee?

It also depends on the type of fight, though. Omnotron is a super chaotic fight, and you should concentrate more on Arcanotron's generators than on the main DPS target (aside from Judging it of course). Magmaw and Algaloth reward this strategy, but all healers should be stacking anyway. In a fight like Valiona/Theralion, though, the meteors are easy to handle with a "ranged group" and a "melee group" with dedicated healers. This is a prime opportunity to tell the raid leader "I'm all over that."

