
Why is he grouping fire and frost? sure they're both elemental but frost has been the chosen PvP spec and fire has been up there with arcane for raiding but now fire seems to have been nerfed to frost levels http://bit.ly/fumWwh

I know Fire was nerfed more than Arcane and Frost, but that was because Fire was, and still is, ridiculous. Fire and Arcane are both in good spots, with either being higher depending on the player, and while Frost is competitive in the general sense, our stats right now favor Fire and Arcane. (Frost neither likes Haste since it has a ton of instant spells, and crit past 33.3% is weaker than Mastery, which happens to not be on our gear.)

I'm pleased to hear GC's comments on this. My hunter (an alt admittedly) never felt right to me as anything but BM. I just like the idea. I control these sweet beasts that do damage for me. Lots of people like the theme behind frost, or sub. Having to play a spec you dislike detracts a lot from the RP element of the game, which is huge for some players
http://bit.ly/eD3Hk9 .

