
When creating a character for roleplay, it's a good idea to have goals for that character in mind -- things that he wants to accomplish over the course of his lifetime in WoW. We've talked before about creating memories and moments that stick with a character; today we're going to talk about incorporating those memories and moments from the past into the future. Along with using these memories to create realistic goals, you can also use these memories as direct ties to your character's motivation. http://bit.ly/eDGEkY

I know she's almost turning into Warcraft's version of Godwin's Law, look at Sylvanas. Before 3.3.5, she was almost one-dimensional, though very engaging. The only real character interaction we had with her was when she sings The Lament of the Highborne; otherwise, she's all "Grr grr hate Lich King grr grr." Now that she's done that, her character has been forced to progress in order to keep current with things, and that growth (while highly divisive) makes for a much more interesting character and storyline.


Reminds me of what I'm doing with my undead warrior. He was present at fell during the Culling of Stratholme, and now serves Sylvanas. He acts as a sort-of ambassador and example of the Forsaken to other organizations and groups, and wants to do everything he can to secure Lordaeron for the Forsaken. That's why it doesn't seem unlikely for him to go make friends with the Kaluak one day, fend off Alliance in Arathi Basin the next, and talk high-society politics in Orgrimmar the day after that. He's clearly defined in his origins, knowledge of the world, and goals, but not to the degree that he's straightjacketed.

I've entertained the idea of trying out some RP for a long time. These articles are pretty good at giving direction and telling you what to avoid, But its great to see some examples of peoples characters and how they fit in.

Kind of off-topic, the ferry in that video is in my hometown, Rocky Hill, CT. It goes between there and Glastonbury. It's the oldest continually running ferry in the country. It's been run for a last one day a year since 1655. The railroad bridge he's standing on is in Portland, CT.

And now back to our regularly schedule program.

You mentioned that sometimes finding the motivation becomes the process but what happens when once you have an extensive backstory that was created through actual roleplay, and presently what happened in the backstory .... the best way I can put it is just that they "broke" your character, rendering them in a depression; unplayable. There are times where it was attempted to continue finding her place in it all, but she just stayed the same.

I've been wondering something similar.
What is a good way to reboot a character without rerolling or changing server or race?


I'm thinking, perhaps he/she was one of the poor bastards who stood in the fire and survived when Deathwing struck at Stormwind (yes, I'm leaning towards Alliance since I think their "destiny" is easier to understand than the "blood & Honor!" stuff of the Horde; eventually, your own views seep into your player character).

Maybe I'm just thinking way out of the box of rules Blizzard has trapped us in, with a world of brave hero's. Maybe there's no room for PTSD characters in Azeroth. But still ...

I'm curious how a character with such a paralyzing mental disorder would even function outisde a padded room at the Abbey? Does he overcome this disorder enough that he can venture outside and kill wolves and Orcs?

