
There's nothing wrong with or even odd about a goblin with a strong work ethic, protective urges and hunger for knowledge. The important thing is that goblins are very materialistic and prefer jobs that produce practical results. You won't find a goblin philosopher, unless it's part of a con to get out of doing real work. A smith is someone who helps people in very practical ways, making arms and armour to protect them, and those he helps show their appreciation in practical ways, with gold he can use to support himself and his craft.There's no malice to the greed there, it's just fair trade, the kind that helps make society stronger and more diverse. http://bit.ly/hKQInq

The only downside for me has been the size of pets (water elemental for me). They're hard to see around when you're small and that is no fun. Oh well... can't be picky about everything I suppose.


Goblins don't give a hoot about the planet, even goblin shamans. Goblins shamans, from a lore perspective, are more making bargains with the elements, sort of like how the Taunka shamans coerce and force the elements to do their bidding. Not all shamans have the perfect give-and-take relationship with the elements that orcish and tauren shamans do.


I'm really enjoying my goblin rogue. He is out for revenge on anyone who costs him profit. But instead of just taking his own revenge he finds someone else that holds a grudge against one of his targets and makes them pay him for his services in dispatching of target. So he gets his revenge and profit which makes him a happy little assassin. Its incredibly fun to RP

