
One other thing, his voice acting isn't great either. There's certainly been worse, but to limit a supposedly large character to two phrases? It sounded like the voice actor was fairly disinterested. Not to say every character has to be frothing at the mouth screaming "FAWH GIL NEY ASS!", but a bit more spirit could've helped. I enjoyed how he fit into the Worgen starting zone as a whole however, and as always people are free to oppose my opinion. http://bit.ly/eWSIS4

I personally doubt Sylvanas trusted Lord Godfrey that much- it was more the level of audacity it took to assassinate her. The Forsaken are NOT slaves of Sylvanas- she's just the only one who will protect them against any threat. My best guess is that the undead are under control of the Valkyr as long as the Valkyr choose to exert that control. In essence, Sylvanas expected that Godfrey's hate would overpower any personal desire, she just misjudged how quickly he would switch once his hatred was sated.

Not all of Silverpine, but the portion just north of the Wall did use to belong to Gilneas (and Crowley). Shadowfang Keep, Pyrewood Village too. And at least some of their owners are still alive, so they do kinda have a claim to it still.

It's his land. It's Gilnean land. The Forsaken are invaders out for 'unliving space' as it were. They're thieves and murderers who use plague and val'kyr to slaughter the inhabitants and turn them against their own people. It's very simple.

Thanks for answering though. I just didn't know who owned that bit before all the infestations and such; figured it was still part of Lordaeron because of the big wall surrounding Gilneas.

You may be confused by how the in game map shows Silverpine. Technically there should be a line right around the middle that says "everything north of this= Lorderaon, everything south of this=Gilneas." Those Gilnean areas belonged to the Crowleys.

Nations don't really mix with feudalism very well. Nations involve loyalty to an abstraction; it's possible for a nationalist to be loyal to his nation and yet disloyal to those who rule. Feudalism is all about people; the Kingdom of Bob is everywhere the people sworn to King Bob happen to live, and any subject disloyal to King Bob is necessarily a traitor to the kingdom... no matter how stupid Bob's policies are.

Sorry Lumi, but that land belongs to the people who live there, continue to fight for it, and refuse to surrender it. The undead are only there at all because the Forsaken attacked them, killed, then raised them. By your argument, since those are Gilnean undead, Gilneas (even as a kingdom in exile) actually owns the land and the Forsaken are *still* invaders. Those lands were never Lordaeron's in life, they have no right to them in death, either.


