
Of course their face roll for people in raid gear, it would be idiotic for them not to be, you are wearing gear that is for a higher level of content and that is how it has always been. Heroics are always easy once you out gear them, once you were in high end Kara, Gruul's and Magtheridon gear BC heroics were easy, once you were wearing full Naxx, EoC http://beijing-acupuncture.com/member/28270/ http://www.bta.co.tz/index.php/member/8559/

Indeed, as long as they don't get nerfed. I pray to got they drop a epic wand. Blizz needs more that two epic wands in the game, one of which being a fairly rare trash drop.

While true that there hasn't been any note of it, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be the case. I mean, heck, look at hunters apparently taming hydras on the PTR. No note of *that*, is there

just ZG available people were asking the same thing. all I know is my pre-made lock which has run nothing yet, still trying to finish getting the gems and enchants I need, is sporting ilvl 357 gear.

