
I do agree with your point on RP for this. I can see a whole bunch of scenarios where a Priest/Paladin would refuse to be raised by a DK, as to not become an "abomination of the light", or some-such, and demanding a druid/priest/shaman/paladin to raise them. http://bit.ly/gEF9Ea

I have a druid and dk both, and I think it's a great addition. Raise Ally was always a cute gimmick, not a shiny toy. Now it's a useful reason to bring the player, not the class, so to speak, because of additional raid utility. Frankly, I like that they gave it to a non-healing class. It fits the flavor, the lore, and makes it a unique trait.

Oh look... a "DKs r badies lololol" post. How frickin' refreshing. Let me guess, you're one of those Hordies who goes around saying "LOL ALLIES R KIDS LOL", aren't ya? All classes have their good players and bad players, DKs are just popular to poke fun at because they were new and had little understanding, but that's no longer the case. Some of the best tanks I've seen have been DKs.


i think right now, my biggest peeve with it is just the idea of a DEATH knight bringing someone back to LIFE. however, if they ever changed it so the rezzed person uses a random undead model, but retains all they're gear and abilities...that might make it a little more believable.

I personally do not automatically agree with either this policy (although I conceed the validity of their thoughts), or the way they have implemented it, and definately agree for RP purposes this seems very off, but the change itself (ie the abilities will be available to another class) should not come as a surprise.


There fixed. No point in bringing a D*ckh**d DK with you to a raid imo.
And yes I have led Raids, and no I wouldnt tolerate that sh*t, not even in a PUG heroic tbh.


Here the players receives a decreasing stitch debuff. If the debuff runs out they die and cannot be resurrected 10 minutes. The debuff can be removed if the player is healed to full before the last stitch comes loose.

