
Even if the argument is that draenei can be too many classes, their logic still fails. Humans, trolls and blood elves all get just as many classes; all get a new option with this expansion. http://bit.ly/hWt4xB

They should either give draenei a new class option (druid would be easiest to explain) or not give blood elves one. Simple as that. They are encouraging people to play not only the new races, but every established race except draenei...and tacitly discouraging any re-rolling draenei.


There might be an epic travel form for Cataclysm." Can anyone elaborate on that for me? I've read through all the articles, but it's just so much info and my eyes must have skipped over that part or any info that was mentioned having to do with it.

They never see their flying mounts, either, unless showing off. I think having insta cast mount speed forms would help Druids feel just a bit more special. After all, nothing is stopping them from using an actual mount, but having forms that move just as fast wouldn't hurt either.

