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If anything Cleave will probably be even stronger wow gold in Season 7 than it was in Season 6 which is a pretty worrying thought for me, especially with the rise in Enhancement Shamans that I have been seeing, which quite frankly are the most annoying thing a Warlock can ever run into to get http://www.iystwowgold.com wow gold.

Just as the strength of melee classes spun out of control in BC in season 3-4, as we are entering the third season of WotLK we are already seeing this worrying trend once again, and with a major spike coming on the horizon it just makes me wonder if the 3.2 changes were really enough. Was the 15% Resilience nerf needed about wow gold? I guess it is hard to say, but with Season 7 very likely starting within the month we will soon find out if WotLK is going to be a repeat of BC as far as melee class strength is concerned, or if the 3.2 changes will be enough to combat this trend and allow casters their place in arena to stay secure about wow gold.

A major victory was won in the comments of Bodis most recent blog... as we were able to bring a Levidian comment to over -100 votes! This has to be some kind of record as I do not think I have ever seen anything else even comes close to this, and I am proud of everyone that was involved! It is hard to say, but either way I think this is one big step in the right direction, and anything that brings us closer to a separate version / patch of the game for competitive PvP is great for all competitive PvPers and tournament players alike to get http://www.iystwowgold.com wow gold.

We need remind people such as Levidian that we do not want to know what he has to say no matter how relevant or insightful he may think it is, so mark this day on your calendar and give yourself a pat on the back.



